Sunday, August 9, 2009

Not Looking Forward to Tomorrow

It is going to be HOT and HUMID--

Not the best type of weather for a horse with breathing problems. Or heart problems.

Friends who have horses with COPD are already noticing the breathing issues. Out comes the heavy duty drugs and steroids. I cannot use that stuff with Parlay. He is already maxed out on Lasix and Tri-Hist and Doxycycline. Steroids are not the best course of action for heart patients anyway.

At this point, I am thinking that the best way to help him in high heat and humidity is to nebulize with Albuterol (2x) along with everything else. I hope it helps. I may try to hose him off a couple of times during the day too. Thank goodness I am working locally tomorrow!!

As it is, the change in the weather has made him stop eating AGAIN. I just think that the humidity (not hot here yet) is just making him feel "heavy."

I understand.

If anyone has any other suggestions, please let me know!