Sunday, August 2, 2009

They Keep Coming Back to Me

The words and thoughts from Vicki.

Whether you are a believer in intuitives or not (and God knows, I am still on the fence about it) I think that just speaking with Vicki has helped me to focus on things that I already may have known and may not have been putting together.

And here is where I am today.

The parasite. The problems associated with parasites. The idea that it was NOT an ingested parasite. A fly? A gnat?

My most hated parasite? The tick. The nasty blood-sucking vermin that I loathe above all others.

Parlay has always been allergic to tick bites. The reactions get worse each year, as appears to be customary with most allergies. The result of a tick bite on Parlay leaves an itchy, oozing, painful sore that will eventually turn to a large area of missing hair.

Back in 2006 Parlay had a really bad reaction to multiple tick bites in one area of his chest (Cursed blankets!) After a few weeks of conventional treatment with cold hosing and dressing the wounds, something else came about-- weird lameness issues, a very cranky attitude, highly sensitive skin, and finally, a bout of laminitis. It was so weird and uncharacteristic!

A blood test confirmed what I suspected immediately. Parlay was diagnosed with Lyme's Disease with Elisa value of 413 and Western Blot listed as HIGH. We aggressively treated with 6 weeks of Doxycycline. A huge difference was seen almost immediately.

Parlay has had two recurrences that we have treated with Doxy since then. Each new bout of Lyme's being "announced," by different symptoms. The first reinfection seemed to bring on another round of odd lameness---one leg off, then another, back to being touchy about being handled and girthed. The second relapse found Parlay post-legged lame in all four legs--it was a HORRIBLE sight!

This morning, after a difficult 12 hours of VERY HIGH P&R (60/40 and above), an agitated and cranky horse and a relatively unsteady walk off from a standstill, I made the association. I ran in to my computer and did a Google search for Lymes related congestive heart failure. My screen filled up with articles and medical papers.

Of course there could be a correlation. Lyme's is one of the nastiest diseases around and there is really so little known about the symptoms. I texted the vet. There is no harm in trying a course of Doxycycline, so off we go.

You can hope and you can pray, but in the end you need to THINK and LISTEN to what the universe is saying in answer to your prayers. Maybe this is a breakthrough?

That is MY prayer today.