Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 5 of the Qunipril

Last week I added 120 mg of Quinipril (Accupril) to Parlay's menu of "stuff" to help him cope.

I can't say that I have seen a huge difference at this point, but am going to give it another week. He is still coughing pretty regularly, but doesn't seem particularly distressed. His respiration rate was at 32 bpm yesterday mid morning. Not overly high (since this whole mess began) and obviously not nearly normal.

The heart rate is a true mystery. I cringe when I check it. There is no rhythm at all. I don't bother counting anymore. I just check it to see if it seems any more regular or irregular and then stop. Otherwise, it just gives me something more to worry about. Who needs that?

Parlay is also shedding like crazy. I spend an inordinate amount of time grooming him (much to his chagrin) but he is starting to look pretty darn good for an old, dying horse! If you had asked my vet, back in the fall, if I would have been shedding Par out this spring, I am guessing the answer would have been no. Actually, I am not so sure that I believed that I would be shedding him out this spring. I guess that it is TRUELY a blessing and a curse! LOL!

I am still trying to get his weight up slightly, as his last episode in February really took it off. Although you can't really see the ribs unless you look closely, you sure can feel them. I am hoping that he doesn't look like a skeleton once all of the hair comes out.

So, for now, Parlay is still his sassy self. He savagely went after Q last night at dinner time (sigh) so he is obviously not ready to throw in the towel yet. More to come...